it's zumba time

zumba is lifestyle


Zumba®: The disguised exercise! If you have seen on video or have been to a Zumba® class even once, the feeling it leaves you with is: PARTY !! Frenzied rhythms, uplifting music, dance moves, smiles… All this in an enjoyable lesson! Zumba® incorporates Latin and international rhythms with easy dance moves and steps to create a dynamic fitness dance program.

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more about zumba fitness

zumba dance

Zumba is considered an “intense cardio workout” and will help you lose weight and increase your muscle mass. In a typical one-hour lesson, you will try strengthening movements, such as squats and lunges, as well as interval training, which will maximize the burning of calories and fat, while tightening your entire body. body. The program includes easy steps and dance movements that alternate in slow and fast rhythm, aiming at the silk of the whole body. Specifically, during the program you will exercise especially areas such as buttocks, legs, arms, abdomen and abdomen, while you will also improve heart function.

zumba desport


  • It makes you a more social person
  • And a lot of calories and significantly reduces fat since you do not stop rocking
  • Everyone can participate
  • It increases self-confidence
  • You exercise the whole body
  • It helps a lot in your psychological mood