
immediate results

follow the unique method

It is a machine that combines two well-known and widely accepted methods in the field of exercise and beauty, respectively. Aerobic exercise and vacuum or as it is commonly called, Vacu.


more about vacupower method


An important point to note is that we are not talking about vacuum conditions, nor about exercising in weightlessness conditions, as some may claim or have already claimed. This is because our body is from the middle and below in the vacuum chamber – in which is the corridor in which we walk – from the middle and above but our hands, torso and of course our head are in the “normal” environment . Therefore, we do not breathe air of different density and content, as it should be if we were in different conditions. The aerobic exercise in the Vacu Power machine is offered in the simplest and easiest way for any person, by walking. Vacuuming in the unique way applied to Vacu Power, offers a double comparative advantage and benefit to our body. On the one hand it increases the resistance to movement, ie walking and on the other hand it stimulates the circulation of the lymph. Target Audience : Vacu Power is for anyone who wants to offer one or more of the above benefits to their body and body, as long as they are at least 18 years old and do not have any of the following: circulatory disorder or are in a period of treatment for circulatory disorder, pregnancy, epilepsy, heart disease, pacemaker, acute varicose veins.



  • Eliminates cellulite and local thickness
  • Reduces the regions and redefines the shape of the body
  • Reduces swelling and retention
  • Increases energy expenditure, ie increases calorie burning
  • Increases metabolism
  • Improves the function of the cardiovascular system
  • Improves fitness
  • Improves respiratory function
  • It has a positive effect on osteoporosis
  • It has a positive effect on functional reintegration after injury
  • It offers a positive effect on the workout-tightening of the hips and lower limbs