trx suspension-training

excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude


The TRX was originally designed by a U.S. Marine who wanted to maintain his uniform while in a confined space with equipment so small that he could carry it anywhere.

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if you want it, work for it

suspension training

This is a durable strap with handles, with which you can train all your muscle groups with one exercise and especially your abs and back. Simply put, they are special tires that hang from the ceiling of the gym and you pull using only your body weight.

That is, it is a type of exercise that uses the gravity and weight of your body, in order to develop strength, balance, flexibility, stability of the torso and joints and coordination, increasing bone mass and avoiding injuries and injuries.

The benefits of using TRX are many. Regardless of training goals, TRX can help by minimizing exercise time, working the whole body and alternating exercises in seconds. Using it, you can improve your muscular system in both strength and size, exercising your body in a way that it is not used to working.

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Another advantage of the TRX is that you use your body weight to adjust the intensity of the exercise, simply by walking close to or away from the TRX projection point on the ground. Finally, it helps maintain bone mass. It activates the maximum number of muscle fibers, launching the metabolism.